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Shredding Stack


The combination of S4, MK-2866, SR-9009, and GW501516 SARMs in a shredding stack offers potential benefits such as improved endurance, enhanced fat burning, building strength and the promotion of lean muscle mass gains, as demonstrated by clinical studies.

Shredding Stack Includes:

GW501516 – 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule
SR9009 60 – 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule
MK-2866 – 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule
S4 – 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule

All of the products are to be handled only by appropriately trained and qualified LABORATORY or RESEARCH professionals.

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SARMs Shredding Stack Hungary

When combining S4, MK-2866, SR-9009, and GW501516 SARMs in a shredding stack, the potential benefits for body composition improvement are multifaceted, allowing the user to gain all the benefits from multiple research chemicals. For instance, MK-2866, also known as Ostarine, is recognized for its ability to improve strength, increase endurance, and increase lean muscle mass while promoting healing. Additionally, SR-9009, commonly referred to as Stenabolic, is associated with improved weight loss through enhanced energy output. Furthermore, Hungary clinical studies have found that GW501516, or Cardarine, contributes to increased fat burning and heightened energy levels. The combination of these SARMs in the Shredding Stack from Direct SARMS Hungary offers the potential for significant muscle mass gains, improved endurance, accelerated weight loss, and overall body recomposition


S-4 was created to treat osteoporosis (a bone condition that causes bones to become weak and brittle), muscle wasting, and benign prostatic hypertrophy (an enlarged prostate). Hungary Andarine (S4) works by binding to androgen receptors with bone and muscle selectivity. It works by modifying gene expression, which leads to a significant increase in protein synthesis and body anabolism.

S-4 Andarine Capsules anabolic effects have been compared to the anabolic substance Stanazole, with identical results. However, S4 has a greater influence on muscle growth and protection. This product is ideal for burning fat and protecting muscles when performing low-calorie diets, intensive aerobic activities or resistance training.

– 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule –

Molecular Formula: C19H18F3N3O6
Molecular Weight: 441.4 g/mol


MK-2866 capsules, commonly known as Ostarine, are a SARM, which means they can impact anabolic activity without burdening the body with extra hormones.

According to Hungary laboratory research in animal trials, Ostarine MK-2866  interacts particularly to androgen receptors in muscles and bones. This provides an advantage because they do not cause excessive effects or disrupt the test subject’s chemical balance.

After interacting to its target receptor, the chemical may stimulate anabolic functions like protein synthesis while inhibiting catabolic actions. As a result, MK-2866 Ostarine capsules have been shown to improve lean muscle mass, muscular function, bone density, and muscle recovery time in rats.

– 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule –

Molecular Formula: 
Molecular Weight: 389.33 g/mol


GW-501516, commonly known as Cardarine, is frequently mistaken for a sarm, however it is actually a peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) agonist. GW-501516 and SARMs have certain fundamental properties, yet they differ significantly. For example, GW-501516 has modest effects on testosterone levels and androgen receptors. GW-501516 Cardarine Capsules have gained popularity because of their capacity to boost the body’s fatty acid metabolism, thus resulting in a reduction of body fat.

Cardarine stimulates gene expression and allows the body to release energy even when at rest. As a result, Hungary sporting individuals and bodybuilders receive energy increases for strenuous activities that they would not otherwise get from normal activity thus improving endurance.

– 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule –

Molecular Formula: 
Molecular Weight: 453.498 g/mol


SR-9009 Stenabolic Capsules is an agonist of REV-ERB that regulates metabolism and circadian behaviour. It has potential use in treating metabolic diseases and sleep disorders.

The Stenabolic SR-9009 protein is found in various locations throughout the body, including the liver and skeletomuscular system. Hungary Studies have shown that it regulates circadian rhythms, acts on fat-storing cells, and influences the liver’s lipid and glucose metabolism. Although SR-9009 is not a SARM (selective androgen receptor modulator), it binds to Rev-ErBA and produces many same effects as SARMs.

In treated mice, SR-9009 Stenabolic was highly effective at increasing metabolic activity and skeletal muscle growth. However, it does not affect the level of endogenous testosterone. It works by activating as well as binding protein structure together and increasing mitochondria number within the muscle tissue. Increasing mitochondria number within your muscle mass cells, Hungary research has suggested boost muscular strength and endurance.

– 60 CAPSULES per Bottle | 10mg Per Capsule –

Molecular Formula: C20H24ClN3O4S
Molecular Weight: 437.94026 g/mol


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[1] A metabolomic study of the PPARδ agonist GW501516 for enhancing running endurance in Kunming mice, Sci Rep. 2015; 5: 9884. by Wei Chen, Rong Gao Xinni Xie et al.

[2] Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator Treatment Improves Muscle Strength and Body Composition and Prevents Bone Loss in Orchidectomized Rats, Endocrinology. 2005 Nov; 146(11): 4887–4897. by Wenqing Gao, Peter J. Reiser, Christopher C. Coss et al.

[3] Selective androgen receptor modulators in preclinical and clinical development, Nucl Recept Signal. 2008; 6: e010. by Ramesh Narayanan, Michael L. Mohler et al.

[4] SR9009 induces a REV-ERB dependent anti-small-cell lung cancer effect through inhibition of autophagy, Theranostics. 2020; 10(10): 4466–4480. by Weitao Shen, Wei Zhang, Weilin Ye, et al.

Do I need PCT & other Supplements?

Cycle support capsules are recommended for any Sarm cycle including the SARMs Shredding Stack. Cycle support maximizes performance and offers you the needs of your body during extensive training and re-composition. Some Sarms will suppress your natural level of testosterone temporarily. After your cycle, it is important to restore your natural testosterone to 100% to preserve your cycle results. Our Hungary Sarms PCT is specifically designed to ensure that all your gains are maintained. For SARMs Shredding Stack, 4-6 weeks of taking PCT, post cycle is appropriate. 

Shop SARM Cycle Support Supplements from Direct SARMS Hungary


DISCLAIMER: These products are intended solely as a research chemical only. This classification allows for their use only for research development and laboratory studies. The information available on our Hungary Direct Sarms website is provided for educational purposes only. These products are not for human or animal use or consumption in any manner. Handling of these products should be limited to suitably qualified professionals. They are not to be classified as a drug, food, cosmetic, or medicinal product and must not be mislabelled or used as such.

All images are for display purposes only. The products you receive may differ slightly from the images. But the quality always remands as a premium product.


GW501516 HPLC CertificatesSR9009MK-2866 HPLC CertificateS4 Andarine HPLC Certificate

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